Air Quality Australia About Us

The Air Quality Australia Group: Nurturing Health through Expertise and Insight

The Air Quality Australia Group, spearheaded by Jason Chapple and Graham Singleton, is a testament to a wealth of experience exceeding 50 years in mould remediation and air quality management. 

What started as a journey addressing the challenges posed by mould naturally evolved into a deeper exploration—testing and remediating mycotoxins. This progression has shed light on the intricate connection between mould toxicity and the presence of mycotoxins, unlocking new dimensions in the realm of air quality assessment.

Understanding Mycotoxins

Mycotoxins are defensive compounds mould spores produce to shield themselves against competing moulds and external threats. The significance lies in understanding that mycotoxins’ level directly influences a mould colony’s toxicity. 

Certain moulds, such as the notorious black mould, exhibit higher mycotoxin levels. Given the microscopic scale of mould spores and mycotoxins, a professional touch becomes imperative for accurate testing and formulating an effective remediation plan.

Why A Mycotoxin Test? – Air Quality Australia

A common scenario arises when individuals suspect mould in their living or working environment may be causing health issues. However, conclusively attributing health concerns to mould requires a nuanced approach. 

This is where the Air Quality Australia Group plays a pivotal role. By conducting thorough air and surface tests for mycotoxins, we clarify the precise levels of mycotoxins, offering our clients a tangible foundation upon which to base their decisions.

Upon receiving a comprehensive mycotoxin report, the Air Quality Australia Group extends their expertise to offer high-level remediation and mycotoxin cleansing services. This multifaceted approach addresses existing issues and prevents potential health risks associated with mycotoxin exposure. 

In a rapidly evolving scientific landscape, where researchers uncover new facets of mycotoxin impact regularly, the proactive measures undertaken by the group gain heightened significance.

Health Concerns Associated with Mycotoxins

Understanding the health implications of mycotoxin exposure is paramount. Mycotoxins, toxic secondary metabolites produced by certain moulds (fungi), can lead to various health issues. 

The severity of these health effects is contingent upon factors such as the type and amount of mycotoxin, the duration of exposure, and individual susceptibility. Here are some health concerns linked to specific mycotoxins:


Produced by: Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus.

Linked to: Liver damage, hepatocellular carcinoma (a type of liver cancer), immune system suppression, and growth impairment in children. Aflatoxins are potent carcinogens.


Produced by: Aspergillus and Penicillium species.

Linked to: Nephrotoxicity (kidney damage), immunotoxicity, and potential carcinogenic effects. It has been associated with Balkan Endemic Nephropathy (BEN), a kidney disease.


Produced by: Various Fusarium species.

Linked to: Immunotoxicity, gastrointestinal issues, and skin-related problems. Some trichothecenes can inhibit protein synthesis and have been associated with outbreaks of alimentary toxic aleukia.


Produced by: Fusarium species.

Linked to: Endocrine-disrupting effects, particularly estrogenic effects. It can impact reproductive health in animals and potentially humans.


Produced by: Fusarium species, particularly Fusarium verticillioides.

Linked to: Hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and esophageal cancer in certain regions. Fumonisins are also associated with equine leukoencephalomalacia (a neurological disease in horses).

A Complex Landscape: Mycotoxin Exposure and Health

It’s crucial to emphasise that mycotoxin exposure is a complex and multifaceted study area. Ongoing research endeavours seek to unravel the full scope of health effects associated with mycotoxins.

 Various countries have implemented regulations and standards for mycotoxin levels in food to minimise the risk of human and animal exposure. These standards reflect a collective effort to safeguard public health and well-being.

Operating Locally and Nationally

The Air Quality Australia Group takes pride in extending its services across New South Wales (NSW), Queensland (QLD), and the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). 

With a commitment to serving both urban and regional areas, the group’s reach transcends geographical boundaries. Their extensive travel throughout Australia underscores their dedication to providing accessible, comprehensive air quality solutions.

How to Engage with Air Quality Australia

If there is suspicion of mycotoxin contamination in the environment or food, seeking guidance from the Air Quality Australia Group is paramount. 

Their professionals are ready to advise, conduct assessments, and implement mitigation measures. The importance of timely and thorough action cannot be overstated, as mycotoxin exposure can have significant health implications.

Engaging with the Air Quality Australia Group is streamlined through various channels. The click-to-call feature on their website allows for immediate communication. 

The contact form is a valuable means of reaching out for inquiries beyond regular business hours. Social media platforms, including Facebook and Google Business, offer additional avenues for connecting with the group.

A Summary Of Mycotoxin Testing

The Air Quality Australia Group emerges as a beacon of expertise and commitment in a world where air quality and health intertwine. With a foundation built on extensive experience, the group navigates the complexities of mould remediation and mycotoxin assessment with precision. Their role extends beyond mere service provision; it encompasses education, awareness, and proactive measures to foster healthier living and working environments.


As the scientific community delves deeper into the intricate dynamics of mycotoxins, the Air Quality Australia Group remains at the forefront, adapting and evolving to meet the challenges posed by this ever-evolving field. 

For those seeking clarity on mycotoxin exposure, a healthier tomorrow begins with a conversation with the Air Quality Australia Group—experts dedicated to pursuing cleaner, safer air for all. Be well, and reach out today if you need their expertise.